SoCIAL LITE Vodka is Now the Official Vodka Soda of LUG

What's up PLUGs! We'd like to introduce our new friend here, and we hope you're thirsty...

SoCIAL LITE Vodka has entered the chat...

New for the 2020-21 season, LUG has partnered with SoCIAL LITE Vodka to bring new sudsy's to all the budsy's in the league.

"We're extremely excited to partner with LUG and become the Official Vodka Soda of LUG. With no sugar and no carbs, our vodka sodas are perfect for athletes, so we knew right away this was a natural fit for LUG players. We are excited to reach LUG's players across 20+ university cities, introduce them to SoCIAL LITE Vodka Sodas and have some fun along the way!” 

- Dan, Kevin & Neetu, Founders, SoCIAL LITE Vodka

Read on below for complete details of all the prizes and experiences you could win this season courtesy of SoCIAL LITE. 


In case you needed another incentive to give it your all on the ice, for the rest of the 2020-21 season, your performance on the ice could win you cool LUG and SoCIAL LITE Vodka prize packs! 

Top goal scorer? Most FERDA boys with several assists? Best Shut Out? We will be selecting one LUG Player of the Week in each of our divisions to be entered to win a LUG x SoCIAL LITE Vodka prize pack! One player league wide per week will have their pretty mug featured on the LUG Instagram and get shipped some cool new merch.

PRIZES: Prizing will be different each week but will include things like 1 SoCIAL LITE wearable (t-shirt or hoodie), 1 SoCIAL LITE bag (duffle or cooler backpack), 1 SoCIAL LITE hat and a 4 or 6 pack (depending where they live).


To set the scene: you've just won it all. You've crushed the competition within your division and you're set to go to the WAG Cup*. But wait... there's more! 

We will be teaming up with SoCIAL LITE Vodka to give 3 division winners a backyard BBQ at their house in March/April*. Division winners will enter into a random draw to win a (socially responsible) Backyard BBQ party The winner will receive food, drink and merch provided by SoCIAL LITE Vodka to enjoy the spoils of your successful season in the comfort of your own backyard. More details on how to enter will be provided closer to the end of the season!


If you're having a small get together that adheres to your city's social distancing guidelines, give us a shout and we'll see what we can do to get you some SoCIAL LITE Vodka's to enjoy!

Stay tuned for more updates and the announcement of Player of the Week & BBQ winners throughout the season.

* WAG Cup, Backyard BBQ, and distribution of product for events are COVID Dependent

SoCIAL LITE Vodka is Canada's Original Vodka Soda with a variety of refreshing flavours, no sugar and 100% natural ingredients. Check them out below to learn more. 


Did you know the hard seltzer movement started right here in Canada with SoCIAL LITE Vodka? 

In 2013, Dan, Kevin and Neetu started SoCIAL LITE in our kitchens. We wanted a drink that we could enjoy with friends, and still, maintain our active
& fit lifestyle.

We wanted 0 sugar. We wanted real ingredients. We wanted clean. We wanted convenient.  

We started mixing drinks for family and friends and they loved our drinks so much they convinced us to quit our day jobs and start SoCIAL LITE Vodka!

We produced 6,000 cases with our life savings and started selling our drinks one case at a time, one store at a time.
We're so grateful to our fans across Canada for supporting our homegrown business and making SoCIAL LITE what it is today.  

Thank you for supporting local and supporting Canadian made!

Dan, Kevin & Neetu
Founders, SoCIAL LITE Vodka